Month: Dicembre 2023

by Valentina Catini Valentina Catini Nessun commento


Spring, awakening

Rome, 8 March 2023 – On 9 March starting from 9.30 am streaming on the websites of all the newspapers of the Caltagirone Editore Group (,,, and, the Spring event will be held, the awakening event of the MoltoSalute cycle dedicated to spring and the awakening of one’s mental and physical health.

The webinar will be opened by Emanuele Bartoletti, President of the Italian Society of Aesthetic Medicine, Director of the Aesthetic Medicine Outpatient Service, Fatebenefratelli Hospital on Tiber Island – Gemelli Island in Rome, who will talk about beauty and how to take care of oneself.

At 9.30 Sara Frnetti, specialist in internal medicine, and Luca Aleandri, chef in dietetics, catering and wellness, will talk about well-being and dining. Followed by Massimo Caputi, President of Federterme-Confindustria, President of the Health and Thermal Tourism Section of Confindustria Toscana Sud, and Stefano Mergesin, Director of theQuellenhof Luxury Resort Lazise, ​​who will address the topic of spas and how they bring enormous benefits to people’s health.

The event will conclude by talking about Body and Mind Emi Bondi, President of the Italian Society of Psychiatry, and Francesca Cassia, teacher and co-founder of Odaka Yoga.

The webinar will be moderated by Alvaro Moretti, Deputy Director of Il Messaggero, Carla Massi journalist of Il Messaggero and Costanza Calabrese, journalist.


Il Messaggero celebrates 145 years of history

by Valentina Catini Valentina Catini Nessun commento

 Rome, 12 June 2023 – Monday 19 June Il Messaggero will celebrate its 145 years of history in the wonderful setting of Villa Miani. The event will be an opportunity to talk with representatives of the institutions and entrepreneurs of the capital, the cultural and social cradle of Italy, about its future, investments, work and the large infrastructure projects that will be implemented thanks to the PNRR funds to transform the eternal city into a modern metropolis.

The evening will be opened by Cav. Work Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone, President of Il Messaggero.

Among the institutional guests, the Minister of Economy and Finance Giancarlo Giorgetti, the Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangiuliano, the Minister for European Affairs, the South, cohesion policies and the PNRR Raffaele Fitto and the Minister of Labor and Social Policies Marina Elvira Calderone.

Also speaking will be Andrea Orcel, CEO of Unicredit, Dario Scannapieco, CEO and General Manager of CDP, Giovanna Della Posta, CEO of Invimit Sgr, Massimo Antonelli, CEO of EY Italy and Chief Operating Officer, EY Europe West, Giampiero Massolo, President of Mundys and Antonella Polimeni, rector of La Sapienza University of Rome

Il Messaggero illumina Roma

by Valentina Catini Valentina Catini Nessun commento

Roma, 1 dicembre 2023 – Sarà una spettacolare installazione visiva, proiettata sulla sede storica
del quotidiano romano in via del Tritone, a chiudere le celebrazioni legate ai 145 di vita de Il
Messaggero che il 16 dicembre del 1878 muoveva i suoi primi passi nel mondo dell’informazione
dell’Italia unita. Mercoledì 6 dicembre alle 17,01 l’Amministratore Delegato del giornale, Azzurra
Caltagirone insieme all’Amministratore Delegato di Enel X, Francesca Gostinelli, accenderanno
l’animazione, progettata da Enel X, che proietterà sulla facciata del palazzo di via del Tritone le
pagine storiche del quotidiano che hanno raccontato i momenti più importanti dell’Italia e del
mondo dell’ultimo secolo e mezzo.

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